Import an Azure DevOps Repository from a Different Azure DevOps Repository

Import an Azure DevOps Repository from a Different Azure DevOps Repository

This blog will walk you through the process of importing an Azure DevOps Repository from another Azure Repository. Let's take it one step at a time.

Step 1: To begin, navigate to the source project, select Repos, and then Files.
Import an Azure DevOps Repository from a different Azure DevOps Repository
Step 2: Click the Clone button on the right hand side of the top.
Import an Azure DevOps Repository from a Different Azure DevOps Repository
Step 3: When you click the Clone button, the 'Clone Repository' popup appears. Then, click the 'Generate Git Credentials' button.
Import an Azure DevOps Repository from a Different Azure DevOps Repository
Step 4: The username and password will then be displayed. We'll need three things for this step: a command line, a username, and a password.
Import an Azure DevOps Repository from a Different Azure DevOps Repository
Step 5: Select Repos and then files to import the repository for a new project. And then click the Import button.
Import an Azure DevOps Repository from a Different Azure DevOps Repository
If you want to add repository to an existing project, use Import Repositoty.
Import an Azure DevOps Repository from a Different Azure DevOps Repository
Step 6: The 'Import a Git repository' popup will appear. In that box, enter the Clone URL and check the 'Requires Authentication' checkbox. It will display textboxes where you can enter your username and password. Provide the username password that already noted from source repository. Then click the Import button
Import an Azure DevOps Repository from a Different Azure DevOps Repository
Step 7: It will sucessfully import the repository.
Import an Azure DevOps Repository from a Different Azure DevOps Repository

I hope this helps you. Keep coding.


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