Exploring Timer Triggers for Azure Functions

Exploring Timer Triggers for Azure Functions


Azure Functions provide a serverless computing platform for executing code in a scalable and event-driven manner. One of the key triggers available in Azure Functions is the Timer trigger. With Timer triggers, you can schedule and automate the execution of your functions based on a specified time or interval. In this blog post, we will dive into the Timer trigger for Azure Functions and explore its features, use cases, and implementation.

What is a Timer trigger in Azure Functions?

The Timer trigger in Azure Functions allows you to schedule the execution of your functions at regular intervals or specific times. It is ideal for automating recurring tasks, periodic data processing, or triggering workflows based on a fixed schedule. With Timer triggers, you can define the timing using either a time expression or a more advanced cron expression.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Flexibility: Timer triggers support various time formats, including simple intervals, specific times, and complex cron expressions.
  • Scalability: Azure Functions provide automatic scaling, ensuring your Timer-triggered functions can handle varying workloads efficiently.
  • Serverless Architecture: With Azure Functions, you don't need to worry about infrastructure management. The platform takes care of resource provisioning and management.
  • Integration: Timer triggers can be combined with other triggers and bindings in Azure Functions, enabling seamless integration with various services and data sources.

Use Cases for Timer Triggers

  • Scheduled Tasks: Automate recurring tasks such as data backups, report generation, or sending periodic notifications.
  • Data Processing: Perform regular data processing, data synchronisation, or data cleanup operations.
  • Workflow Orchestration: Trigger workflows at specific times to coordinate actions across multiple systems or services.
  • Event Aggregation: Aggregate and summarise events over a specific time window for analysis or reporting purposes.

Implementing a Timer-triggered Azure Function

To implement a Timer-triggered Azure Function, follow these steps:

Open Visual Studio and select "Create a new project".

Azure Functions

In the "Create a new project" window, search for "Azure Function" and select the "Azure Function" project template.

Azure Functions

In the "Configure your new project" window, provide a name and location for the project.

Azure Functions

On the "Additional information" page, select "Timer Trigger" as the function type. In the "Schedule" field, specify the desired cron expression or time interval. For example, you can enter `*/5 * * * * *` to execute the function every 5 seconds. Click the "Create" button to generate the Azure Function code.

The generated code will include a function with the Timer trigger configured. It will look something like this:

using System;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

public static class MyTimerFunction
    public static void Run([TimerTrigger("*/5 * * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimerILogger log)
        log.LogInformation($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");
        // Add your desired functionality here

In this code, the ‘Run’ method is the entry point for the function. It is triggered by the Timer based on the specified schedule. The ‘TimerTrigger’ attribute is configured with the cron expression

You can add your desired functionality within the ‘Run’ method to be executed when the Timer triggers the function. For example, you can perform data processing, call external APIs, or send notifications.

NCRONTAB expressions

NCRONTAB expressions are a powerful tool used in Azure Functions to define precise scheduling for tasks. Similar to CRON expressions, NCRONTAB expressions include an additional field for time precision in seconds.

Here's an example to illustrate how NCRONTAB expressions work:

Suppose we have an NCRONTAB expression: "0 */5 * * * *". This expression triggers the function every five minutes. The "0" at the beginning represents the seconds field, which is set to zero. The "*/5" in the minutes field means that the function will be triggered every five minutes.

NCRONTAB expressions provide great flexibility in defining schedules. Here are a few more examples:

  • "0 */15 * * * *" triggers the function every 15 minutes.
  • "0 0 0 * * *" triggers the function at midnight every day.
  • "0 0 8-18/2 * * *" triggers the function every two hours from 8 AM to 6 PM.
  • "0 0 12 * * 1-5" triggers the function at noon every weekday.
  • "0 0 0 1-15 * *" triggers the function at midnight on the 1st to 15th day of each month.
  • "0 0 0 * Sep-Nov * " triggers the function at midnight every day from September to November.

With NCRONTAB expressions, you have precise control over when your functions should be executed, enabling you to design efficient workflows and automate tasks with ease.

By leveraging NCRONTAB expressions in Azure Functions, you can ensure that your functions run on a schedule that fits your specific requirements, improving productivity and optimizing your application's performance.

Rename and Test the Function Locally

After generating the Azure Function code, you may want to rename the function and test it locally before deploying it to Azure.

  • Rename the class file: You can rename the class file to reflect the purpose or functionality of your Timer-triggered function. This helps with better code organization and maintainability.
  • Rename the FunctionName attribute: In the generated code, there is a FunctionName attribute associated with the Run method. Update the attribute value to provide a descriptive and meaningful name for your function.
  • Run the application locally: To test the Timer-triggered function locally, you can simply click the run icon or press F5 in Visual Studio. This will start the application and execute the function based on the specified schedule.
  • Testing the function execution: When running the application locally, you can observe the function execution in the console or the Output window in Visual Studio. As per the provided example, the function will execute every 5 seconds. Verify that the function is executing correctly based on your desired schedule.
Azure Functions

Deployment and Monitoring

Once you have developed and tested your Azure Timer Trigger function locally, you can deploy it to the Azure cloud for production use. Here's how you can publish your function to the cloud:

Publish the Function from Visual Studio

  • Right-click on the project name in Visual Studio Solution Explorer and select "Publish".
  • In the "Publish" window, choose "Azure" as the target.
  • Select "Azure Function App (Windows)" as the specific target.
  • If you have an existing Azure Function App, select it from the list. Otherwise, click the "+" plus symbol to create a new Azure Function App. Fill out the required information in the form, such as the App name, Subscription, Resource group, and Hosting plan.
  • Click the "Finish" button to proceed.
  • In the "Ready to publish" window, review the settings and configurations.
  • Finally, click the "Publish" button to deploy your Azure Timer Trigger function to the cloud.

Viewing the Azure Timer Function in the Azure Portal

  • After successfully publishing your function, open the Azure portal (portal.azure.com) and sign in to your Azure account.
  • Locate and open the Azure Function App that contains your Timer Trigger function.
  • Within the Function App, click on the "Functions" option in the left-hand menu to view the list of functions.
  • You will find your deployed Azure Timer Trigger function listed here. Click on its name to access its configuration and details.

Monitoring the Timer Trigger Logs in the Azure Portal

After deploying your Timer Trigger function to the Azure cloud, you can monitor its logs to gain insights into its execution and diagnose any issues. Here's how you can access the log details in the Azure portal:

Accessing the Log Details

  • Open the Azure portal (portal.azure.com) and sign in to your Azure account.
  • Navigate to the Azure Function App that contains your Timer Trigger function.
  • In the left-hand menu, click on the "Monitor" option to access the monitoring features.
  • Within the "Monitor" section, select the "Logs" tab to view the log information for your Timer Trigger function.

In the following image you can see how the log shows the log details.

Exploring Timer Triggers for Azure Functions


Timer triggers in Azure Functions provide a powerful tool for automating scheduled tasks, data processing, and workflow orchestration. Whether it's periodic data synchronisation, scheduled reports, or recurring system maintenance, Timer triggers simplify the execution of these tasks with minimal effort. Start exploring Timer triggers in Azure Functions today and streamline your automation workflows with ease.

I hope you found it informative and helpful. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy coding!


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