Improving Code Readability in C# with Digit Separators

What Are Digit Separators?

Digit separators were introduced in C# 7.0. When dealing with large numbers, digit separators help enhance the readability of your code. By using underscore (_) as a separator within groups of numbers, you can significantly improve code readability.

Why Use Digit Separators?

Consider the scenario where you need to work with the number 1000000000. Without digit separators, reading this number can be challenging. However, by using digit separators and representing the number as 1_000_000_000, it becomes much easier to read one billion.

Examples of Digit Separators

Let's explore a few examples to understand how digit separators function:

int totalPopulation = 7_900_000_000;
double distanceToMoon = 384_400.0;
long nationalDebt = 28_000_000_000_000;

As evident, adding digit separators in between groups of digits has no impact on the numerical value itself. It only improves human readability.


The introduction of digit separators in C# constitutes a minor yet impactful enhancement that significantly improves your code's clarity, reduces the potential for errors, and facilitates your role as a developer.

Have you used digit separators in your C# projects? We welcome you to share your experiences and thoughts in the comments section below!


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